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2 Guns:
Release Date: August 2, 2013
Genres: Action, Comedy
Marky Mark and Denzel Washington together in a movie!!! My mind is blown. Now for those of you who don't know who Marky Mark is here's a short history lesson for you; Marky Mark i.e. Mark Wahlberg used to be a child singer. I know right, crazy!!! He's also the little brother of Donnie Wahlberg, whom you've probably seen in movies like the Saw Films. I love the Wahlberg brothers I think they are both great actors. I also, love Denzel Washington I think he's a fantastic actor and like pretty much every movie he has done except maybe Fallen (1998) didn't appreciate that movie.
So history lesson over now we'll get back to talking about 2 Guns. This movie look not just Amazing! but it also looks Hilarious! Mark Wahlberg and Denzel Washington get to rob a bank together, shoot at each other, beat each other up and then solve a crime together. Oh yea and they get to blow stuff up! I'm expecting great things from this movie in both the action and the comedy department especially with Mark Wahlberg and Denzel Washington on the scene.
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