(Ashton Kutchers speech for the Teen Choice Awards)
I loved/ love listening to this speech. As I listened all I could
think was a) Wow I wish someone had given me this speech growing up. It
might have made a difference and it might have given me that
encouragement I needed to succeed at doing things in school. B) These
are lessons that I want my son to learn.
"My name is not even Aston... There are some
really amazing things I learned when I was Chris"(Kutcher) - - Honesty, it makes a
difference. People listen to honesty.
#1 Opportunities look a lot like work
"I've never had a job in my life that I was better then"
"I was always just lucky to have a job and every job is a stepping stone to your next job."(Kutcher) - - What a great work ethic to have. We would probably worry less about money and jobs if we looked at them differently.
#2 Being Sexy
Sexy Looks like: "Being Really Smart, and Thoughtful and Generous. Everything else is crap that people try to sell to you." (Kutcher) - - Pretty much that sums it up everything else is crap that we just shouldn't by because it makes us feel like crap.
#3 About Life
a life don't live it build it. Life is a lot broader then what we are
told. Everything that is around us that is what we call life is
something that someone who is no smarter then you has put together. So
build your life, Take you opportunities and be sexy.Growing up is not easy and having the right direction is not something that you get just handed to you. Also the world is a changing place and those of us who are willing to change it usually fight to make our place in it.
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